I remembered this weekend how much I enjoy baking when I do it just for fun and not because I HAD to bake for someone.

I decided to try making a yule log for the first time and had a look online. I found a recipe for a larger pan so I did 3/4 the amount as I had a smaller tray.
I made a whipped white chocolate cream ganache filling using 200g double cream and 200g white chocolate.

The recipe I followed said to roll the Yule log lengthways (longest side) but due to the thickness of my cake and filling it ended up looking like an arctic roll.

I coated the outside of the log with a dark chocolate ganache buttercream & found when I was finished that I had too much coating left. Being me, I decided to make another Yule log to use the excess filling and coating.
I made the second Yule log with less ingredients to make a thinner cake in the hope that it would be easier to roll. This time, I rolled from the thinner end to get more of a swirl

I used the leftover coating to cover the Yule log:

I assume it’s because I left the coating overnight, but the second Yule log looked far darker than the first even though it was the same mixture.

Overall, I was really happy with how these turned out. They look OK, and taste really good! Marry Christmas to me & my family!