We had a Pride Day at Zen and I volunteered to bake cakes for it. I originally planned to do my striped rainbow cake again, but I couldn’t be bothered with the effort to dye and pipe all the buttercream.
I instead came up with a painted version with fondant toppers:
The main cake was vanilla sponge with strawberry jam, vanilla buttercream, and rainbow sprinkles.
I also made some vegan cupcakes to go with it – 6 each of Vanilla and Chocolate cupcakes.
My brother and I were never sporty when we were children. As a teen I started to do more cardio at the gym, and when I was 25 I discovered Roller Derby which I played for 6 years. It was great to feel a part of a team and it really helped build my confidence. As a child I was fatter and never did well at sport. As an adult, I was actually good at roller derby and it was a great feeling.
I imagine my brother was in a similar situation, and he discovered all-inclsuive rugby in recent years. He’s really blossomed in the sport and he’s doing amazing – I am very proud of him!
I like an excuse to bake, and as this month is Pride celebrations all over the place i decided to try make something to celebrate Pride and send them to him (secretly) in the post. I just really hope they have shipped OK…
Rainbow “Pride” Blondies
I used this recipe from All Recipes to make the blondies, and then topped them with a white chocolate ganache. I used a 3:1 chocolate to cream ratio and coloured some of this with gel colouring.
To begin with I covered the full tray of blondies with white chocolate ganache, then I added rainbow stripes which I then feathered:
cooling in the trayfresh out of the tray, just before cutting.Small squares of blondiesYummy dense blondies, with a rainbow ganache topping
I posted these to his work without him knowing, so hoping they get there in one piece. Time will tell!
The above was the result of being asked to make a “rainbow cake”. The inside consisted of seven different colour layers (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
I covered the cakes in vanilla buttercream, and make multicoloured ganache drips for the top.
I decorated using white chocolate jazzie sweets, white chocolate bark, and rainbow jelly laces.